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Whenever we visit our semi-local IKEA store, we make it a point to check their damaged and discarded area near the check out stands. Over the years, we’ve gathered parts of this and that which we’ve intended to re-configure into end tables and such. When it came down to it, our inspiration was more limited than our abilities. Which is why we are so happy with I Modify IKEA. We’ve followed several projects with items bought for that purpose, decorating and adapting them with the straightforward instructions from the book.

Some projects are more complex, and many suggest painting and other in-depth activities, which are fun regardless (or because) of the extra effort required. However, we’ve also “hacked” the “hacking” instructions to create the end table of our dreams with our other treasures we’ve gathered over the years from IKEA. The index lists specific items from IKEA so you can see if there are instructions to update your items (if you can remember their names). We aren’t quite ready for a Boklok house yet, but we’re happy to be able to have fun building and re-building our fun furniture from IKEA.