by redfive | Sep 20, 2017 | REVIEWS
I love Celtic art, and its sinuous, Art Nouveau-style of interlocking curves and abstract design for-its-own-sake. So this wonderful coloring book is perfect for me, and anyone who likes coloring circular “mandalas” or just wants to experiment with ancient...
by redfive | Sep 19, 2017 | REVIEWS
There’s something remarkable about cats, when they stand up on their hind legs, that exhibits both feline grace, while invoking a sort of humanity, too, that I find altogether charming. If you, like me, find cats absolutely adorable when they stand on their hind...
by redfive | Sep 18, 2017 | REVIEWS
In high school, I studied ceramics for a couple years, and with our semi-famous pottery teacher, I actually got pretty good at it. That was long ago, and now, of course, I don’t know of any high schools with ceramics classes. But recently, one of my daughters...
by redfive | Sep 17, 2017 | REVIEWS
This cookbook is a love letter to Los Angeles as it exists today — colorful, global, and packed with flavor. It makes a wonderful coffee table book, as well as an insightful cookbook for the modern & well-traveled palette (even when that means just traveling...
by richfieldmall | Sep 16, 2017 | REVIEWS
Better Homes and Gardens Rowan Print Runner Rug...
by redfive | Sep 15, 2017 | REVIEWS
I really enjoyed this lovely little fabric covered book! It includes lots of photos that make it clear how best to set a beautiful tablescape.It was interesting to me how much variety they had for different types of occasions and get-togethers. Fromm Movie Night to a...