100 Amazing Paper Animal Snowflakes

100 Amazing Paper Animal Snowflakes

I think 100 Amazing Paper Animal Snowflakes would make a fun activity and decoration during the holidays. There are 100 choices, in three levels of complexity, so my kids all found ones they liked. I thought the finished snowflakes had an Escher quality, as one animal...
Momo, College Students, And Cat Celebrity Books

Momo, College Students, And Cat Celebrity Books

When I went to college, I was given a guide to student living. As I recall, it offered almost nothing about school, but it did have several recipes for vodka punch (Add vodka to Hawaiian Punch; serve.) which you were to mix and serve from your plugged bathroom sink....
French General: A Year Of Jewelry

French General: A Year Of Jewelry

Jewelry making is one of my hobbies and I have a fairly large collections of books related to this topic. I was thrilled to see French General: A Year of Jewelry, since the creations in it are exactly what I’m most interested in with jewelry making. Plus, the...
Artful Handmade Wrap Bracelets

Artful Handmade Wrap Bracelets

Artful Handmade Wrap Bracelets reminds me of when I was in junior high and me and my friends would make colorful friendship bracelets using embroidery floss. I like the idea of adding in beads and turning the bracelets into a lovely gift for my friends or family. In...
Learn To Draw Archie & Friends

Learn To Draw Archie & Friends

Our daughter has been a big fan of Archie comics for years. They’re good for reading, with cute and clever stories, and are easy to find and inexpensive. So when she wanted to try drawing her own Archie comics, Learn to Draw Archie & Friends was the guide to...