Sew Many Dresses, Sew Little Time

Sew Many Dresses, Sew Little Time

I started taking sewing classes at age 11, and when I was in high school I decided to use my mom’s dress patterns from the 50’s and make my own dresses by mixing and matching the bodices and the skirts from different patterns. I loved how they turned out...
I Modify IKEA

I Modify IKEA

Whenever we visit our semi-local IKEA store, we make it a point to check their damaged and discarded area near the check out stands. Over the years, we’ve gathered parts of this and that which we’ve intended to re-configure into end tables and such. When...
Brush Painting And Tangles

Brush Painting And Tangles

I have always loved the stark beauty of Chinese brush painting. The abstract simplicity of the medium is so graceful and alive, as it not only portrays the beauties around us, but reveals the artist’s hand at work in what, until now, seemed like an entirely...
Crafting Books From Lark

Crafting Books From Lark

Author Jenny Doh  has gathered together the talents of ten different doll designers in this completely delightful book, We Make Dolls!. They create 23 stuffed dolls and toys in total, each of them unique (and precious!) in their own right. Some of the toys are an...