Paisley And Mandala Coloring

Paisley And Mandala Coloring

I’ve been a fan of mandalas for many years and I’m really enjoying this Mandalas coloring book. I haven’t ever taken the time to learn how to draw them, but I love the chance to get in there and color them. Since this book is geared to artists, some...
Amazing Wood Burning Book Reviews

Amazing Wood Burning Book Reviews

It’s really fun to see crafting methods, that I remember seeing as a young child, returning now that I am old enough to do them myself. Here, this fascinating book shows how to use traditional pyrography methods, with the latest tools, via step-by-step...
Tangled Tower

Tangled Tower

We all absolutely LOVED the movie Tangled! I thought the theme of overcoming your background was insightful and everything about the movie just left us awestruck. Here is a craft from that shows you how to make your own version of Rapunzel’s tower out...
Review: Repurpose Scarves

Review: Repurpose Scarves

Scarves can be so pretty and fashionable wrapped around the neck, but there’s so much more you can do with them. Since they are typically made in really gorgeous colors and patterns, they offer the chance to use them in much more varied ways. Craft Challenge:...