by redfive | Oct 8, 2018 | REVIEWS
Learn how to make words out of wire and some simple tools:
by redfive | Oct 3, 2018 | REVIEWS
Stash Happy Patchwork is the first book in a new series by Lark Crafts, which offers wonderful ways to use up our stashes of scraps and those other lovely materials that we haven’t yet found the perfect use for (but couldn’t pass up on buying anyway!)....
by redfive | Oct 1, 2018 | REVIEWS
Our family has always really enjoyed collecting rocks — not so much rocks of any special beauty or composition, but from places we wanted to remember. Eventually, we ended up with a quite a few river rocks, with flat, smooth surfaces. Those rocks actually work...
by redfive | Sep 26, 2018 | REVIEWS
I think this paper wreath would look fantastic for pretty much any holiday or celebration by just swapping out the colors! This video shows the Halloween version. Supplies:
by redfive | Sep 24, 2018 | REVIEWS
I’ve long been a huge fan of making paper flowers, so when I saw Fabric Blooms I thought it could be really fun to try out a new medium of flower making. The first thing I noticed was the lovely photography, which shows off the creations beautifully. Not only do...
by redfive | Sep 19, 2018 | REVIEWS
Purl Bee has some adorable candy corn crafts on their site with full instructions for free. They made the darling candy corn knitted toys above, which could be used year after year as a perfect Fall decoration (I’d have trouble putting them away cuz they are so...