by redfive | Sep 10, 2017 | REVIEWS
Handmade Collage offers an insider’s look at how to create your own, professional-artist quality collages. I’ve seen and admired collages like the artist/author’s, in my art history textbooks, upscale office buildings, and in galleries or museums....
by redfive | Sep 10, 2017 | REVIEWS
We have a young anglophile in our household — who seems to love all things British — and she’s learning to knit, crochet and cross-stitch, although she’s not a pro at this point. So I thought I’d get her this book. It offers a simple way...
by redfive | Sep 6, 2017 | REVIEWS
The basic approach in Customize Your Knitting is to create various panels, sized to fit your figure, and then connect each for a perfect fit. It offers not only many patterns for sweaters and tops but instructions on how to personalize them for fit and finish. It...
by redfive | Sep 4, 2017 | REVIEWS
This origami set includes instructions on how to make 20 geometric shapes — which are many-sided balls and stars. I think they could be created, again and again, as a meditative activity. I really like the patterns and colors of the pretty folding papers that...
by redfive | Aug 30, 2017 | REVIEWS
Crocheted Abode A La Mode  is such a fun and creative book, I love every single adorable idea! This is definitely not my grandma’s crochet, it really takes it to a new level. Twinkie Chan has created lots of super cute crochet projects that I never would have...