The Quilt Designer’s Coloring Workbook

The Quilt Designer’s Coloring Workbook

My grandma was an avid quilter and I have had a lot of interest in quilts myself, particularly in their patterns, since I work as a designer. The Quilt Designer’s Coloring Workbook serves a double function for me, enjoyment and relaxation of coloring and the...
Ladies Drawing Night

Ladies Drawing Night

This is such a charming and clever book. The instructions and suggestions are very clear, with fun ideas throughout. The book suggests that, for fun little get-togethers, hosting “drawing nights” to create arts and crafts together, each with a different...
Origami Paper Boxes

Origami Paper Boxes

The little origami boxes from this wonderful book feature delightfully complex designs offered in a clear and easy-to-follow format. The book offers photos of the completed box, along with a description of the key folds and techniques needed to create it. There are...
Make In A Day: Modern Frames

Make In A Day: Modern Frames

As an artist and graphic designer who designs things to fill frames for a living, I notice them everywhere – Instagram, Pinterest, and stylish homes everywhere. I’m always looking for fun ideas for home decor and that’s where this delightful and...
Beautiful Minecraft

Beautiful Minecraft

All of my children play Minecraft often, although it took me a while to understand the different ways to enjoy the “game.” When they showed me some of their “Creative Mode,” I was wowed by just how creative they’d become. Since then,...