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Wee Felt Worlds gives a strong introduction to the needle felting craft, as well as many simple, yet delightful creatures and objects to make utilizing this technique. I haven’t ever had the chance to try needle felting, but I love how soft and fluffy everything needle felted looks.

The author, Amanda Carestio, states that felting is a very forgiving craft, where it’s easy to manipulate the wool roving or even start over if needed. I especially like how they blend the colors, which they call shading with roving. It gives a lot of character and depth to the felted critters. All kinds of cuties are created in Wee Felt Worlds, like aliens, bear cubs, circus animals and lots more.

Wee Felt Worlds not only has the cuddly soft characters and objects, but they are also set up in adorable “worlds”. They are extra charming when placed in a setting and combining items from different themes and making your own unique situation is encouraged. I think I’ll try some dinosaurs and lollipops!


Journal It offers the perspective of nineteen mixed media artists of how to journal in many different, yet very effective and interesting ways. Lots of mediums are used to express thoughts, ideas and feelings, including watercolors and found objects. In addition, interesting thoughts are posted throughout Journal It, including from Carolyn Sewell, who says that “sketching assists her while note taking. My pen is my hearing aid, I cant listen without it.” There are tips for when you are stuck and have “journaling block”. One writer suggests conquering fear of things not turning out well as you like, you can remind yourself its just a piece of paper.

Each contributor shows how they journal via their own style, and they explain that there are many reasons for journaling ranging from a creative outlet to a visual diary. One of the journalists said they notice more about their life when they journal and I’ve thought a lot about that and what a positive exercise it is. Your journal can be basically a microcosm of your world. I found myself wishing my ancestors had done more journaling to pass on to their loved ones and I also realized from Journal It how important it was for me to do for my own progeny.